Friday, March 22, 2013

TTC Journey (Part III)

2 Mac - appointment di LPPKN lps buat ultrasound Dr.J bg slip ubat.ermmm Nurcolut utk period, beli di medical hall je. Then D2 coming again for ultrasound.
mkn ubat pn ikut suka tekak aku je...ada yg trlupa mkn patutnya 3hari je mkn trlajak smpai 5hari. Lps 5hari stop Nurcolut....Ms.P pun tiba spotted on Fridy call LPPKN utk appoinment D2 hampehnye staff nurse ada ke patut period baru call. suruh hantu yg jawap call on Saturdy ke? (0_0)'?

16 Mac - hi...Ms.P
So decided, gamble jumpa Dr.J at Pantai Hospital. Tak budget pun ramai patient. Sepatutnya klinik tutup 1pm lajak smpai 3pm huhuhu letih gak aku tunggu. Dr. J seloroh di LPKKN kena tunggu sini pun tunggu lama jugak. Hah tau xpe...I paid you full rate today. Bkn buat apa pn Dr.J buat 4D ultrasound....redha je.
"See....this is your Ovari...this is your Uterus...everything look fine no problem just your hormone level"
huh lega alhamdulilah. mentang-mentang la kt LPPKN ultrasound tak LCD monitor 42" semua dia nk tunjuk. hehehe syok gak....
Dr.J bg Clomid 100mg utk 5hari start D2 until D6. Then D7 coming utk TVS checking ovum respon or tak dgn dose tersebut. if not, injection will be given for 3dys. Then proceed the iui.
I wish the twin....hope so, coz both of us got gen twin. At my father side got twin which is different gender. My hubby....gen from his father which is twin same gander.

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